CS 253: Software Development And Operations (2019-20 IInd Semester)

This course aims to teach tools, techniques and processes to develop and maintain large scale software.

Code of Ethics

Any report/program/assignment you submit must clearly distinguish your contribution from others (webpages, softwares, report, discussions with other students). The penalty for copying in any form will be severe.


Re-examination for 2019-20 IInd Semester Offering

The re-exam will contain both paper-based and system-based questions. The following topics will be tested:

You can refer to the videos for these topics at CS253 YouTube Playlist. Send any queries, doubts etc. by email to the instructor.

Evaluation scheme for the course, for the students appearing for re-examination

Best 5 out of 6 labs: 5 * 7% = 35%
Mid semester exam 30%
Attendance 5%
End semester exam 30%